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Question: What is our actual connection to parampara – if it is through diksa guru, then we see that some of our previous acaryas did not take diksa in parampara. If it was through siksa, then we find there is stress in taking formal initiation.

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Jayapataka Swami: Our parampara was given by Srila Bhaktisiddanta Saraswati Thakur, and he called it a Bhagavat Sampradaya. Everybody was initiated, but where the link was stronger with the siksa guru, he mentioned that, but that is only in about two or three cases. Mostly the diksa guru was also the siksa guru. Srila Prabhupada said he was the diksa guru and the siksa guru, but one may have more than one siksa guru. But usually the diksa guru is also the main siksa guru.