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Question: You mentioned to be dependent on Lord Kṛṣṇa but sometimes we say we are dependent on Kṛṣṇa, at the same time neglect our responsibility. How to understand that we are serving Kṛṣṇa and at the same time also dependent on Kṛṣṇa?

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Jayapatākā Swami: That reminds me of an example, there was a flood, and police came by and said to a person, “We came to evacuate you from the flood.” “I am depending on Kṛṣṇa” he said. Then more water came. A boat came to take him, and he again said, “I am depending on Kṛṣṇa!” And then the water rose higher, and he went on the roof. Then a helicopter came and said, “Come on, come with me!” But he said, ‘No, I am depending on Kṛṣṇa.” Then the flood rose higher, and he died. He went to Vaikuṇṭha and he asked Kṛṣṇa “why didn’t You save me?” “I sent the police, I sent the boat, I sent the helicopter, you didn’t take anything!” So, you see depending on Kṛṣṇa, we take whatever help He sends. How Kṛṣṇa works, He works in unique ways!
20-November-2021 Sridham Mayapur, India