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Question: While I am more inclined to hear, read and discuss about the sweet pastimes of Nitai Gauracandra and visit their pastime places in Gaura Mandala Bhumi, on the contrary I don’t feel much attraction for worshiping the deities. Of course, I am not disrespectful to the Lord in His deity form, but I feel more blissful in Gaura Nitai katha, than going to altars to serve Them. However, sometimes by thinking that Srila Prabhupada had given us both, Pancaratrika vidhi and Bhagavat vidhi, I feel bad that I am going wrong. I feel puzzled. Would you please guide me to the proper understanding?

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Jayapataka Swami: Since we are not pure enough to see the Lord with our present eyes, therefore the Lord appears before us in His deity form. That gives us a chance to serve the Lord personally. So we do both things. We see the deity and we also preach what we have of Lord Caitanya. So both things are important. Hare Krsna.