Question: When Hiranyakasipu glorified Brahma he says that Brahma is the Supersoul of all beings. We read from the Bhagavad-gita that Krsna is the Supersoul. We see the same glorification of Lord Siva also when He drank the poison. Please helps us understand this Guru Maharaj.

Jayapataka Swami: Hiranyakasipu glorified Brahma as the Supreme Person. Hiranyakasipu is considered a demon. Now having a demon recognize you as the supreme person, what is the use of that? Prahlada maharaj, he said that Nrsimhadeva or Krsna is the Supreme Person. His...

Question: We understand from the Bhāgavatam that when Brahmā created Rudra, he found his descendants dangerous and asked him to do penance. We also hear Rudra was initiating a sampradāya. It looks contradictory. Requesting you to enlighten us.

Jayapataka Swami: You see Lord Śiva, is a guṇa avatāra, in the mode of ignorance. Naturally in that aspect he can do things unusual. At the same time, we know that his overriding quality is devotion to Hari. And in this pastime we read, he begged at the lotus feet of...