Question: Despite all adversities you have always continued to serve Srila Prabhupada without any interruption and we see sometimes devotees, they get upset on small things and they leave their services. And that really compromises everybody’s service to Srila Prabhupada. So how can we continue in your mood that not to leave services when offended and work together? Please guide us.

Guru Maharaj: Well, as I said, we owe everything to Srila Prabhupada. He could have stayed in Vrndavana. He would have easily got liberation. But he took a great headache, he came to the USA, came to Canada, and he gave us Krishna consciousness. So who thinks that...

Question: Srila Prabhupada gave you many instructions when you were in Mayapur, and so many times, multiple instructions. How did you actually work on them and take them to heart and how did you go about doing them all simultaneously?

Guru Maharaj: Some of the instructions are work-in-progress. I am trying to fulfill them. I don’t say that I fulfilled all of them, maybe some of them, to some extent. But Srila Prabhupada took so much sacrifice, took so much trouble to bring Krishna consciousness to...

Question: Maharaj spoke about how Rukmi’s hair was cut and Balarama almost chastised Krishna that this not how you cut people’s hair. That brings us to the point of forgiveness – how can we build on this quality because it is so important right now to have this mood of forgiveness, because it actually impacts our service?

Guru Maharaj: It is interesting that two days ago was the Putrada Ekadasi. So some people want children, they observe Putrada Ekadasi. But in the glories of this Ekadasi, it is said that for the renounced people or people who don’t want children, they observe this...