Dear God-family, disciples and wellwishers of HH Jayapataka Swami Guru Maharaja.
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All of you are aware that after the successful surgery Guru Maharaj is now going through a very important phase, a crucial period, during which his body must accept new organs and at the same time stay out of any infections. In fact, doctors are more worried about the post-surgery period than about the surgery itself.
It is again a great time for all of us to unite as a big ISKCON family and pray together for Guru Maharaja’s fast and smooth recovery.
Wherever we are, we should continue prayers, do more preaching programmes and book distribution, street Harinams, Tulasi parikramas, fasting, yajnas etc. and submit our reports on and share photos/videos in this group
This will please Guru Maharaja immensely and help him.
1st Marathon : Kirtan and Prasad
Let’s Glorify Lord Krishna’s causeless mercy on us for the successful operation and host Kirtan and offer Prasadam to devotees on Sunday Programs around the world and beg Lord to help Guru Maharaj in fast recovery. Local devotees can volunteer to take responsibility to host and sponsor according to their capacity. Please personally serve senior devotees and beg for their blessings. We can pass on the benefit of feeding prasadam to vaishnavas to Guru Maharaj.
2nd Marathon
64-rounds Ekadashi Japa Marathon
On upcoming Ekadashi 22 August we will host a Zoom live 64-rounds Japa Marathon for Guru Maharaja’s fast recovery. We will start at 6:00 am on 22nd August IST (Indian Standard Time) and continue for 24 hours, so that devotees in different time zones could chant up to 64 rounds as per their convenience. (Most effective is to chant in groups).
3rd Marathon
30 Days Japa Marathon on Zoom Starting 20th August 2018
We will host two 2-hour daily slots between 6 to 8am IST and 6 to 8am CST dedicated to International Japa Call for Guru Maharaja’s fast recovery.
We can also invite a few senior devotees to speak few words to encourage everyone followed by Guru Maharaja’s health update.
Zoom link:
Guru Maharaj’s success in recovery is dependent on you. The Real Medicine is your prayer. As your prayers become our collective massive cry to Mahaprabhu, if He so desires, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu will allow his eternal associate to stay with us and guide us longer. Our family, our team, and most importantly Guru Maharaj has proven this time and time again. Guru Maharaja has full faith that with prayers He can come out of this condition and continue His services
Guru Maharaja ki jai!
Srila Prabhupada ki jai!
Your humble servants
JPS Seva Committee
JPS Health
JPS Prayer Team