Question: My devotional service is not consistent. One day I will be doing service or chanting with enthusiasm and some days it is not the same. Why is it like this? I want to improve my devotional service, but laziness has pervaded all over me. Please help me Guru Mahārāja!

Jayapataka Swami:There are different steps of devotional service. The first step is śraddhā, then satsaṅga, and then bhajana-kriyā,at the state of bhajana-kriyā, one usually takes initiation. Next stage is called anartha-nivṛtti, there are different anarthas, unwanted...

Question: What is the way by which a practicing devotee can understand how close to or how far he is away from anartha -nivṛtti? How can one expedite his progress to anartha -nivṛtti? Are these stages distinct, or can there be some overlapping, i.e. can niṣṭhā start only after 100% completion of anartha-nivṛtti or can it start, say when anartha-nivṛtti has been 90% achieved?

Jayapataka Swami: There may be a small amount of anartha, in the higher stages. To a large extent, the anarthas are overcome. Anarthas like, one moment we feel very enthusiastic, then next moment we feel down, depressed, not so much enthusiasm. That is called thick...