Question: How to overcome the habit of sleeping more than required?

Jayapataka Swami: Since this is a more personal question, I don’t know the personal details ,how many hours’ you are sleeping. Generally, if we don’t eat too heavy prasāda at night time, Śrīla Prabhupāda would take some puffed rice, or some light evening meal. He said...

Question: I have children, no devotees, and their mother neither. I don’t live with them but I pay for their maintenance. I need your advice, thus I don’t fall down again. I follow the four principles and chant my 16 rounds and eat only Krsna prasad. I read every day Srila Prabhupada’s books and keep a small altar. I work as a security guard. Thank you for your mercy my dear master.

Jayapataka Swami: If you can write me a letter in Spanish, or whatever language you find convenient, English or Spanish, tell me what your particular problem is and what advice you want. Because this seems to be a personal. This question and answer time is for general...