by Jayapatākā Swami (2015)
nitāi gaurāṅga nitāi gaurāṅga
patita pāvana nitāi gaurāṅga
Nitāi Gaurāṅga! Nitāi Gaurāṅga! Savior of the fallen, Nitāi Gaurāṅga!
jaya prabhupāda jaya jaya prabhupāda
jaya prabhupāda jaya śrīla prabhupāda || 1 ||
All glories to Prabhupāda! All glories, all glories to Prabhupāda! All glories to Prabhupāda! All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
prati yuge krame krame andhakāra bāḍe
ei kalite nitāi gaura patita uddhāre || 2 ||
From age to age, darkness increases progressively. But in this Kaliyuga, Nitāi-Gaura deliver the fallen.
satya tretā dvāparete asura nidhana
ei kalite gaura kare prema vitaraṇa || 3 ||
In Satya-yuga, Tretā-yuga, and Dvāpara-yuga, the Lord kills the demons. But in this Kali-yuga, Lord Gaura freely distributes Kṛṣṇaprema.
rupa madhurimā, hari nāma, sadācāra
gaura mātra bhāratadeśe karila pracāra || 4 ||
His weapons were His extremely sweet unparalleled beauty and the congregational chanting of the Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa. His force comprised His practice of the highest level of Vaiṣṇava behavior, etiquette, and purity. But He disseminated love of Kṛṣṇa only in India.
dūra deśe bhakti-hīna jīve uddhārite
senāpati-bhakta gaura pāṭhālo pāścātye || 5 ||
To deliver people devoid of Kṛṣṇa-bhakti in remote countries, Lord Gaurāṅga sent a commander-in-chief devotee to the West.
bhaktivedānta svāmī śrīla Prabhupāda
senāpati-bhakta jaya śrīla prabhupāda || 6 ||
That commander-in-chief devotee (senāpati-bhakta) was His Divine Grace Abhayacaraṇāravinda Bhaktivedānta Swami Śrīla Prabhupāda. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda!
pṛthivīte āche yata nagarādi grāma
sarvatra pracārita haibe mora nāma || 7 ||
bhaviṣyat vaṇī sādhu guru purāṇe
prabhupāda rupa dilā vāstava pramāṇe || 8 ||
Lord Caitanya said, “My name will be preached in every town and village throughout the whole world.” Prabhupāda fulfilled this prediction, along with many others made by the Purāṇas, saintly persons, and the spiritual masters.
guru ājñāya prabhupāda grantha prakāśilā
bhakta sabe koṭi koṭi grantha vitarilā || 9 ||
Prabhupāda wrote books on the order of his guru, and the devotees have distributed those books in the hundreds of millions. Thus he established that books are the basis of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement.
khola nṛtya gīta saha śrīnāma Kīrtana
hari-kathā prasāda sevā apūrva ghaṭana || 1 0 ||
Discussion of the topics of Lord Kṛṣṇa; the honoring of mahāprasāda; the rendering of many kinds of devotional service; and the singing of the Holy Name accompanied by dancing and the playing of mṛdaṅgas, karatālas, and other musical instruments—all these took place wonderfully.
deśe deśe kṛpā śraddhā śikṣā dīkṣā dila
divya jñāna pracāra śaktye bhakata bāḍila || 12 ||
From country to country, all over the world, he bestowed mercy, instilled faith, gave instructions, and performed initiations. Thus by his potent dissemination of transcendental knowledge, the numbers of devotees increased. Prabhupāda showed personally how to apply the principle of “preaching is the essence.”
mandire kīrtana pūjā utsava dekhi’ trāṇa
gṛhe sevā nāma-haṭṭādi kṛṣṇa-bhakti-dāna || 13||
By witnessing and participating in temple kīrtanas, ceremonies, worship, and festivals, many people were delivered. By practicing Kṛṣṇa consciousness in their homes, worshiping the Deities, and by participating in Nāma-haṭṭas, Bhakti-vṛkṣas, and other congregational expansion programs, many people developed ever increasing kṛṣṇa-bhakti and gave it to others. In this way, Kṛṣṇa consciousness went viral by applying the maxim “utility is the principle.”
viśvera nānā prānta hate vaiṣṇavagaṇa
bhārate āryabhrātāya kare āliṅgana
‘jaya gaura’ bali navadvīpa parikramā
mastake lepana kare dhāma dhūlikaṇā || 1 4 ||
Vaiṣṇavas from all over the world come and circumambulate Navadvīpa-dhāma. They take the dust of the holy dhāma on their heads and without any prejudice regarding caste, color, creed, or nationality, they embrace their Indian brothers and chant “Jaya Gaura, Jaya Gaura, Jaya Śacī-nandana!” In this way they achieve transcendental unity in diversity.
viśva cālaka maṇḍalī karilā gaṭhana
mile miśe sevā karāra nirdeśa arpaṇa || 1 5 ||
He formed the Governing Body Commission (GBC) as the ultimate managing authority for ISKCON and instructed everyone to serve cooperatively according to the GBC’s direction.
prabhupāda sañcārilā kṛṣṇabhāvanāmṛta
svarṇayugera jayapatākā haila uttolita || 1 6 ||
Prabhupāda infused Kṛṣṇa consciousness throughout the world, and thus the victory flag of the ten-thousand-year golden age was hoisted.