JPS Archives Nitya Sevak Scheme
You can become a Nitya Sevak by offering once-in-a-lifetime donation of Rs.1,00,000 ($1,500) toward JPS Archives and receive Guru Maharaja’s mercy 24×7 throughout the year, year after year!
Please select a date from the calendar below, enter your details and you can pay securely using PayPal, or by using your debit or credit card.
Our Goal and Humble Request…
JPS Archives would like the devotees to embrace this Nitya Sevak Scheme, so that the donation offered can fund its maintenance and growth, thereby further empowering it to keep all the disciples and well-wishers of Guru Maharaja well-connected with him through his nectarean vani. Therefore we humbly request you to spread the word.
For any queries please email to: jpsarchives@jayapatakaswami.com
You can pay by one of the following two methods:
One-off payment:
Select a date of your choice in the calendar below, dates in green are available to book, dates in grey are already booked. Once you select a date it will ask you to enter your name and email, please check that your email address is typed correctly.
A member of JPS Archives will contact you using this email address, also you will receive confirmation of your payment to this email. In the next screen you can make the payment using your PayPal account securely.
Please note that this payment method is for $1500 one-off payment.
Monthly Installment:
You can also pay conveniently by making a monthly payment.
In this method you can pay $100 per month for 15 months. Payments will be taken every one month interval. After 15 month the payment will automatically stop. To make a payment using this method please click on the “Subscribe” below. You can also pay using a credit or debit card. All payments are secured using PayPal.