Prayer Report Submission [Full] – Group

Even if it is one extra round, or distribution of a book or joining harinama, every single devotional act counts!
Please submit your prayer reports here so that we could read all the reports to Guru Maharaja.
Please note that you can submit multiple reports on a regular basis.

(If you have any problems with submitting your reports then please send us an email with your details to

Prayer Report Submission - Group

Prayer Report Submission - Group

If you don't want to mention your country then alternatively you can select 'Other' from dropdown and then type in the name of your Yatra
Please add your email address
Write your plans for upcoming Damodara month
Number of ghee-lamps offered
Number of extra rounds of Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra (These rounds are counted based on the rounds chanted after our daily quota of 16 rounds)
For one set of Srimad Bhagavatam please add 12, otherwise for each canto please add 1,2,3 etc.
Number of Sri Narasimha Kavacha Stotra chanted
Number of Tulasi Parikrama performed
Number of Nirjala Ekadasi fasting observed
Number of Kirtan events arranged/attended for Guru Maharaja
Number of books distributed
Number of participants on street Harinama
Number of Holy Dhama Parikrama and Holy Dhama visits
Number of total hours spent in reading Srila Prabhupada's books
Number of Yajna (fire sacrifice) offered
Number of times bathed in a holy river
Number of charity performed
How many times flower or fruits offered
Getting up at Brahma Muhurta
Number of Mangala Arati attended
Number of hours spent in devotional service for Guru Maharaja
Number of hall or home programmes arranged/attended